American Colony

About the Colony

American Presidents

Time Line

Civil War

World War I

World War II

War Pictures

War Pictures II

Famous Structures

Contact the Colony

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We as a Colony
This colony was formed in the midst of American history, on January 25, 2002. You and I can go back and view the past history of America and scope out what's to become in the future, and how America will deal with problems. So come on let's go on a history journey.

The History Behind The Colony
It was long ago in the summer of 2001 when American Journal opened up its doors to the public, promoting the history of the great land of America. American Journal went through many changes throughout its time, but after a while the journal wanted to become a colony and they came up with a new address on the internet. They still reside at this address known as americancolony.1colony.com, which promotes history and so much more.

American Colony's Sources
Current, Richard N., DeConde, Alexander, and Dante

Harris L. United States History. Glenview, IL:

Scott, Foresman, and Company, 1967.

Google Images. "American History Images." On-Line.

Internet. 29. March. 2002 Avaliable WWW:


Google. "American History/World War II Info."

On-line. Internet. 17. March. 2002 Avaliable WWW:


Time World Almanac 2000. Massachusetts:

Time/Infoplease, 1999

1997 World Almanac. New Jersey: St. Martins Press,
