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An American History Time Line from 1492 to 2002.
1000-Leif Ericson and the Vikings come and explore New Foundland.

1492-Christoper Coloumbis explored North America down on the Caribbean islands. He was the first explorer to find North America, which was known as the "New World" back then.

1513-Juan Ponce DeLeon attempted to explore the shores of Florida, but the indians stoped his expedition. When returning to spain in 1521, with 200 soldiers at his side, he got shot with an arrow and was killed.

1524-Giovanni Da Verrazano was sent by Francis I of France to explore a sraight to China, through the "New World". During the search he came across an unexpected shore which was know known as South Carolina.

1534-Jacques Cartier was sent on a voyage to explore, and he came across the St. Lawrence River, which is west of which is now Maine. During his expedition he came acroos some indians living in this area and he left.

1540-Francisco Vasquez De Coronado spent alot of his life time searching for the "Seven Cities Of Gold" in the southwest. During his adventure he came across an indian who he became friends with, and went exploring as far inland as which is now Kansas. His expedition lasted until 1542.

1565-St. Augustine, Florida had its first permanet settlement.

1607-In the spring of 1607 some Englishmen arrived at Jamestown. During thier stay, the Jamestown settlement was made, and the colony of Virgina grew. Some people say that this was the begining of American history.

1619- Virgina elected the first assembaly.

1620-This was the year the Plymouth Settlement was passed.

1636-During this year the most famous college was formed, known as Harvard University.

1649-The Maryland Act Of Toleration was passed.

1673-Marquette and Joliet arrived in America

1682-This was the year Pennsylvania became a colony.

1701-This was the year that the Detroit Settlemant was passed.

1733-This was the year that the Molasses Act was passed.

1735-This was the year that Zenger went to trail.

1752 Benjamin Franklin preformed his kite experiment to test electricity.

1754-This was the begining of the French and Indian war,which lasted until 1763

1765- This was the year that the Stamp Act was passed, meaning that citizens would have to pay a tax on all legal documents, such as newspapers, almanacs, and other items such as these. All of these items would need to have a stamp on them showing that the customer payed tax on the item.

1774-Is when the first Continental Congress came about.

1775-This was the year the American Revolution began. The American Revolution lasted until 1783.

1781-This was the year the Articles Of Confederation were signed.

1783-This was the year the Treaty Of Paris was signed, and the American Revolution ended.

1786-This was the year of Shays Rebellion

1787-Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey enter America as the first three states, and the Northwest Ordinance also occured in this same year.

1788-The United States Constitution was written, and Georgia, Conneticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, and New York entered the US. as Americas 4th through 11th states.

1789-George Washington is elected as Americas 1st President, and North Carolina enters the union as te 12th state.

1790-Rhode Island enters the union as the 13th state.

1791-Vermont enters the union as the 14th state.

1792-Kentucky enters the union as the 15th state.

1793-This was the year the Cotton Gin was invented.

1796-George Washington gives his farwell speech after deciding that an American Pressident can only serve for a minimum of two years, and Tennessee enters the union as the 16th state.

1797-The XYZ Affair occurs, and John Adams becomes the nations 2nd president.

1798-America has an undeclaired war with France that lasted until 1800.

1801-John Adams term as president is over, and Thomas Jefferson becomes the nations 3rd president.

1803-America picks up the Louisiana Purchase from France, Ohio joins the union as the 17th state, and the issue betweeen Marbury and Madison occured in this year as well.

1804-This year marked the beginning of the Lewis and Clark expedition, which ended in the year of 1806.

1806-Zebulon Pike discovered a giant mountain, which is now known as Pikes Peak in Colorado.

1808-The importation of slaves was banned.

1809-Thomas Jeffersons term is up, and James Madison became Americas 4th president.

1812- The war of 1812 occured, it didn't end until 1815, and Louisiana became the 18th state of the union.

1814-The Treaty Of Ghent was passed.

1816-Indiana became the 19th state into the union,the Tariff of 1816 also occured in this year.

1817-James Madison's term was up, and James Monroe became the 5th President of America. The Rush Bagot agrement is passed, and Mississippi becomes the 20th state of the union.

1818-America made an agreement with England, that fixed the 49th parallelon the northern boundary, and Illinois became the 21st state in the nation.

1819-The Adams-Onis Treaty is passed, and Alabama becomes the 22nd state in the nation.

1820 The Missouri Compromise occured in this year, plus Maine becomes the 23rd state in the nation.

1821-Missouri became the 24th state in the nation.

1823--The Monroe Docterine was passed.

1824-Gibbons versus Ogden was the big issue.

1825-The Erie Canal opened, plus James Monroe's term as president was up, and John Quincy Adams took over as Americas 6th president.

1828-The Tariff of Ambittions was passed, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest was published.

1829-John Quincy Adams term as president was up, and Andrew Jackson became Americas 7th president.

1830-The big event this year was the Webster hayne debate.

1831-The first nominating convention occured, and the first copy of Garrison's The Liberator was out.

1832-South Carolina issued the Ordinance Of Nullifiation.

1833-The Compromise Tariff was passed.

1834-This was the begining of the Whig Party, which lasted until 1854.

1835-This was the year The Texas War For Independence occured. The war lasted until 1836.

1836-Arkansas entered the union as the 25th state.

1837-The Panic and Depression of1837 ocured, Michigan entered the union as the 26th state in the union, plus Andrew Jackson's term as president was up and Martin Van Buren became Americas 8th president.

1841-Martin Van Buren's term as president was up and William Henry Harrison became Americas 9th president, then he died and John Tyler became Americas 10th president. They also ran the first wagon across the Oregon Trail.

1842-The Webster-Ashburn Treaty was passed.

1844-Morse sent the first telegram message.

1845-Florida, and Texas enter the union as the 27th and 28th states, Plus John Tyler's term as president was up and James K. Polk became Americas 11th president.

1846-The Oregon Treaty was passed, the Mexican war began, and Iowa joined the union as the 29th state.

1848-The Mexican war ended, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was passed, and Wisconsin entered the union as the 30th state.

1849-James K. Polk's term as president was up and Zachary Taylor became Americas 12th president, plus everyone was heading to California because of the California gold rush.

1850-California enters the union as the 31st state, Zachary Taylor dies, with Millard Fllmore heading into office as Americas 13th president, and the Compromise of 1850 was a big issue.

1852-Uncle Toms Cabin was published.

1853-Millard Fillmore's term as president is up, and Franklin Pierce becomes Americas 14th president, plus America picked up the Gadsden Purchase.

1854-The Republican Party was organized.

1856-The big event was the Civil Strife in Kansas

1857-Was the year of the Dred Scot descision, plus Franklin Pierce's term as president is up, and James Buchanan becomes America's 15th president.

1858-Was the begining of the Douglas-Lincoln debates, and Minnesota became the 32nd state to join the nation.

1859-Was the year of John Brown's raid at Harpers Ferry, and Oregon became the 33rd state of the nation.

1861-James Buchanan's term as president is up and Abraham Lincoln became America's 16th president, confederates fired on Fort Sumter, and that marked the begining of the American Civil War, which didn't end until 1865, plus Kansas became the 34th state in America.

1863-West Virginia becomes the 35th state in the union, Lincoln gives the Gettysburg address, and it was the year of the Emancipation Proclamation.

1864-Nevada becomes the 36th state of the union.

1865-The American Civil War is over,Abraham Lincoln gets assassinated, bringing Andrew Johnson in as the 17th American president, and the 13th amendment "abolished Slavery" is passed.

1867-America begins its reconstruction acts after the American Civil War ended, America picks up Alaska, and Nevada comes into the union as the 37th state.

1868-Andrew Johnson's term as president is up, and Ulysses S. Grant becomes Americas 18th president.

1869-The first Transcontinental railroad is complete

1871-The Treaty Of Washington is passed

1873-America experenced the Panic of 1873, and the Demonization Of Crime Of Silver Of 1873 took place.

1876-The Bell Telephone is invented, a very Disputed presidential election took place, and Colorado became the 38th state in America.

1877-Ulysses S. Grant's term as president is up, and Rutherford B. Hayes becomes Americas 19th president, plus the Compromise of 1877 occured, which ended the reconstruction process.

1878-This was the year the Brand Allison Act was passed.

1879-Thomas Edison finds his electric light is successful.

1881-Rutherford B. Hayes term as president is up, and James Garfield became the 20th president of America, the Gompers founded a trade union, which was later known as A.F.of L., and James Garfield was assassinated, and Chester A. Arthur became Americas 21st president.

1882- The Standard Oil Trust was organized.

1883-The Pendleton Act was passed.

1885-Chester A. Arthur's term as president was over, and Grover Cleveland became America's 22nd president.

1886-The Haymarket Affair took place, and the Statue Of Liberty was dedicated to America.

1887-The Interstate Commerce Act was passed.

1889-Jane Addams founded the Hull House, Grover Cleveland's term as president was up, and Benjamin Harrison becames the 23rd president of America, plus North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington joined the union as the 39th through 42nd states.

1890-Idaho, and Wyoming joined the union as the 43rd, and 44th state, and the Mckinley Tariff was passed, along with the Sherman Antitrust Act.

1891-America had the populist movement coming in, which ended in 1896.

1892-America experienced a homstead strike, meaning that alot of people bought homes in America.

1893-America was faced with the Depression Of 1893, plus Benjamin Harrison's term as president was up, and Grover Cleveland served for his second term as Americas 24th president.

1894-The Pullman Strike occured.

1895-Was the year of the Venezuelan boundary dispute.

1896-The Populist movement ended, the dispute between Plessy, and Ferguson occured, and Utah entered the union as the 45th state.

1897-Grover Cleveland's second term was up, and William McKinley became the nation's 25th president.

1898-Was the begining of te Spanish American War, plus America purchased the islands of Hawaii.

1899-The Treaty of Paris was ratified, and the "Open Door Policy" was announced to America.

1900-This was the year the Gold Standard Act was passed.

1902-America experienced a coal strike, and the Venezuelan crisis began.

1903-The Panama Revolt occured, and the Venezuelan crisis ended.

1904-The Nothern Securities case took place, as well as the Roosevelt Corollary.

1906-The Pure Food And Drug Act was passed.

1907-Oklahoma became Americas 46th state to enter the union.

1908-The Root-Takahira Act was announced.

1909-Theodore Roosevelt's term as president was up, and William H. Taft became America's 27th president.

1912-The Progressive party was formed, and New Mexico and Arizona became the 47th and 48th state to join the union.

1913-The 16th and 17th amendments were passed, The Federal Reserve Act took place, and William H. Taft's term as president was over, and Woodrow Wilson became America's 28th president.

1914-The Trade Commision Act was passed, the Clayton Antitrust Act was passed, and World War I Began.

1916-Pancho Villa's raid in New Mexico was the big issue.

1917-America declaired war on Germany, and the Selective Service Act was passed.

1918-Woodrow Wilson announced the "Fourteen Point's", and World War I ended.

1919-The Red Scare Began.

1920-The 19th and 20th amendment were passed, the Senate rejected the Treaty Of Varsilles, the 18th amendment, prohibitation was adopted, and the Red Scare was over.

1921-The Emargency Quota Act limited irregation was passed, Woodrow Wilson's term was up, and Warren G. Harding became America's 29th president.

1923-Warren G. Harding died, and Calvin Coolidge takes over as America's 30th president.

1924-The teapot Scandel took place.

1927-Lindberg flew solo to Paris, and the Federal Communications Commision was passed.

1929-Calvin Coolidge's term as president was up, and Herbert Hoover became America's 31st president, plus the Great Depression began.

1930-The Hawley Smoot Tariff was passed.

1932-Washington gets whats called a "Bonus Army"

1933-herbert Hoover's term as presiden was up, and Franklin D. Roosevelt Became America's 32nd president, plus America recognizes the Soviet Union, and a new deal is inaugurated.

1935-The Social Security Act is passed, the C.I.O. was founded, and the Neutrality Acts began.

1939-World War II began, and the Neutrality Acts ended.

1940-America gets destroyer deal with Brittan.

1941-The Land Lease Act was passed, pearl harbor gets attacked by the Japanesse, and America declaires war on the Axis Powers.

1942-Is when American's relocated Japanesse-Americans, and Wartime food rationing came into effect.

1943-The War labor Disputes Act was passed.

1944-This was the begining of the D-Day Invasion.

1945-America dropped its first atomic bomb, Franklin D. Roosefelt died, and Harry S. Truman became America's 33rd president.

1946-The American Coal Strike took place.

1947- The Marshall Plan was proposed, and the Taft-Hartley Act was passed.

1949-The Four Point Program was invented.

1950-America snet thier troops to the korean War.

1952-The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico was created.

1953-The McCarthy investigations began, plus Harry S. Truman's term as president was up, and Dwight D. Eisenhower became America's 34th president.

1954-The McCarthy investigations ended, and Brown versus the Board of Education of Topeka was a major issue.

1955-The Salk Polio Vaccine was developed, and the A.F.of L. and the C.I.O. merged into one company.

1957-The Civil Rights Act was passed.

1958-The National Defense Education Act was passed.

1959-Alaska and Hawaii became the 49th and 50th state to come into he union, and the St. Lawrence Seaway was complete.

1960-Was the begining of the war in Vietnam, the first sit in demostration took place, plus John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon were having presidential debates on television.

1961-The Alliance For Progress was proposed, the freedom rides began, the Peach Corps were establised, and Dwight D. Eisenower's presidential term was up, and John F. Kennedy became the 35th president.

1962-The first American Orbital Space flight occured, The Supreme Court School prayer descision was made, the Cuban missle crisis was a big issue, and John Glenn was the first American who orbited the earth.

1963-The Birmingham Civil Rights demonstration occured, the "hotline" was established, the march for Washington was on, plus John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and Lyndon B. Johnson became Americas 36th president.

1964-the 24th Amendment was passed, the poll tax was passed, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, the "War On Poverty" legislation occured, and The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.

1965-America bgan bombing North Vietnam, the Voting Rights Act was passed, urban development was created, and the Watts riot occured.

1966-The Congressional investigation looked into auto safty, the first docking in space occured, and America experienced an airline strike.

1967-The Apollo project took place, and mamography was introduced.

1968-The immagration Act of 1965 took effect, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luthur King were assassinated

1969-Buzz Aldrin, and neil Armstrong landed on the moon, ARPANET, which is a forerunner tothe internet began as a government experiment, plus Lyndon B. Johnson's term as president was up, and Richard M. Nixon ecame Americas 37th president.

1970-The United States population was estimated at 206 million people.

1972-The CT Scan was introduced to America.

1973-Roe versus Wade was the hot topic, and the outcome was over abortion.

1974-Richard M. Nixon resigned, because of the watergate scandal, and Gerald R. Ford became America's 38th president.

1975-Bill Gates and Paul Allen invented Microsoft.

1977-PC's launched, plus Gerald R. Ford's term as president was up and James E. Carter became America's 39th president.

1978-Itwas discovered that the first baby with a test tube was born healthy.

1979-The first commercial network for cell phones was formed in Japan.

1981-Scientists discovered a disease called AIDS, America launched its first space shuttle, plus James E. Carter's presidential term was up, and Ronald Reagan became America's 40th president.

1983-Tandy Computers introduced the TRS-80 model 100, which was the first laptop computer.

1986-The shuttle called the Callenger explodes

1989-The internet is revolutionized, plus Ronald Reagan's presidential term is up, and George Bush Sr. becomes America's 41st president.

1991-Was the year of the Gulf War.

1993-A winter storm with wind speeds as fast as a hurricane close all major eastern airports in America, plus George Bush's term as president is over, and Bill Clinton becomes America's 42nd president.

1994-The internet provides services to an estimate of 25 millon computers.

1995-Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal government building in Oklahoma City, which killed 168 people.

1997-America placed the pathfinder robot on Mars.

1998-A sex scandal gets President Clinton impeached.

1999-Bertrand Piccard, and Brain Jones become the first people to fly a hotair ballon around the world, plus Columbine High School gets shot up b two students, and it was known to be the worst school shooting in American history.

2000-An American submarine gets bombed, and seven inmates escape from a jail in Texas.

2001-They caught the seven inmates, Bill Clinton's presidential term is up, and George W. Bush Jr. becomes Americas 43rd president, plus Timothy Mcveigh gets executed, on September 11th America experiences terror hit home with the bombings of the World Trade Centers, The Pentagon, and the plane crash in Pennsylvania. George W. Bush also declares the War on Terrorism to eliminate Terrorists.

2002-The Winter Olympic Games come to Salt lake City Utah. America gets in the process of going to war with Iraq. Sniper shots innocent citizens in Maryland and Pennsylvania.